Loving Oneself Through Self-Care

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Ascend CHC wanted to focus on a simple act that can bring love to oneself: self-care. For many, self-care is difficult, putting others needs and priorities in front of their own. Yet it is the recognition and prioritization of one’s own happiness that can bring one more compassion and self-love. To love and take care of oneself can be difficult, and small acts of self-care remind us to take time for oneself, the capacity for love for others increases simultaneously. We asked our staff what a small actions they take in their own lives for self-care. We hope they may inspire you to think about what you can do on a daily or weekly basis to bring a little more love and care into your life. 


I prioritize getting a good night’s rest. I charge my electronics away from my bed and make sure to not watch too much television before lights out.  By having a bedtime as an adult, I make sure I am rested. When I get enough sleep my life feels more balanced, improving my perspective and mood.” – Katherine McClayton   


"Scheduling “family dinners” with my girlfriends mid-week is a way of showing love to myself. This gives me something to look forward to and equally helps me relax as much as it refills my cup to take on the second half of the week."  – Sam Calcaterra


"My favorite self-love activity is anything that combines music and gentle movement. This usually is dancing around my apartment with music, taking a dance/aerial arts class, or taking a leisurely walk outside and listening along to my favorite jams." – Christina Figueroa


"Self-care for me is always about making my home a comfortable place to be at the end of a long day. I will stop by a candle store to grab a new candle, or buy fresh flowers for my bedside table. It is so comforting knowing that I can come home to something that will make me smile, even if the day was hard."  – Taylor Marge